Complete Guidelines for Abortion in Delhi

Complete Guidelines for Abortion in Delhi

In India termination of pregnancy is legal in certain situations. As for abortion law for unmarried girls, a married woman and rape victims vary. There are several other factors which made it quite essential to get the right information. With the rising crime rate in foeticides, the abortion law state it illegal to detect the sex of the foetus. This made people confused a bit. Legal or illegal, many people have asked this about the guidelines for abortion in Delhi. You will get your answers here at our blog so stay tuned with us.

At abortion clinic in India, has already given access to safe and secure termination of pregnancy. But there are few guidelines you must take into consideration.

Abortion Law

Under the MTP Act' 1917 (medical termination of pregnancy), which is the law relating to abortion. There is a specified time for abortion in India. If you don't follow these terms, it is a punishable offence.

When you abort the pregnancy after the legal time for abortion in India, it would be termed as foeticide. And when you abort before that, it is considered as abortion in India. However, India has certain laws which elaborate the abortion process more.

  • Legal time for abortion
  • Legality in different scenes (explained)
  • Punishments for abortion in India

Specified medical conditions under the act

MTP Act' prescribes some medical conditions and they are:

  • If the female has not exceeded 12 weeks of pregnancy, she can terminate it with the help of registered medical practitioner in an abortion clinic in India.
  • If a female has exceeded 12 weeks, then she can end it with the help of a qualified medical team. You can easily avail the best abortion services in India.

Who all have the freedom of abortion?

Every woman has a right to choose whether to raise a child or not. Abortion isn't just medical treatment, it's a solely decision and women's right too. It isn't only a basic right, but also related to women's integrity and bodily autonomy.

A young girl or minor below the age of 18 years or a mentally sick woman is mandatory to provide a consent written by a guardian to the doctor. It isn't necessary that the parent can only file the consent, any person who's responsible for women.

If you are an adult, no consent is mandatory from the guardian. An adult woman is mature enough to make her own decisions. It is the sole decision to terminate the pregnancy. You can avail the best abortion services in India without any permission.

Overall, every female has a right to choose whether to continue with it or not. All women can get the safest abortion by following these rules and guidelines for abortion in Delhi. Get the best aid for the betterment of your health.